Rabu, 25 Mei 2016

Senin, 18 April 2016

[Copywriting] Photograph

          When my lecturer gave some picts to choose, the first pict I saw is this mom and her child, so I choose it. I choose it because I feel sorry for the latest issue that's happening A LOT in my country (especially among poor peoples). It's about some childs who being abandoned by their own parents. Their parents said that they have no money to paid them and decided to gave their own child to other people who have no child and get paid, make them works in such a young age (except your child want to works willingly), kick them out of their home or even worst, kill them after you satisfied of having sex. It shouldn't be happening. Because if you decided to have a child, you have to be resposible, not just make a child for your own pleasure nor just because of pleasurable sex. If you can't take responsibility of your child or just want to doing your daily pleasurable sex life, then don't make one! You have to take care of them with love before, now, and then.

Note: I wrote it based on my own perspective, no offense.

Senin, 11 April 2016

[Review] Sanada Akihiko's (Persona 4 Arena the Ultimate in Mayonaka Arena) Character Design

          Hello! Now, it is the perfect time to introduce you my most favorite character! Yes, as you can expected, he is from my most favorite game all the time, Persona 3. But, it's a better version of him (my preference of course, lol). Sanada Akihiko from Persona 4 The Ultimate in Mayonaka Arena (from now on let's just simplified it as Persona 4 Arena)!! (And it's gonna be a loooonng post, so be prepared!)

Character Design for Persona 3

Fight Pose

     In Persona 3, 17 years old's Sanada Akihiko can be described as a serious, determined, cool and well-respected upperclassman. He is really eager to fight and really excited about it. He never gives up and always tries to get stronger in order to protect the others. He acts like an older brother for the younger member of S.E.E.S (Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad (They prevent The Fall to arrives by beating some shadows)).

       As we can see in his design, he wears black leather gloves and white band-aid on his left forehead (?) to describe him as a boxer (fight lover) and always do the training himself. Not like the other students of Gekkoukan, he doesn't wear his school's standard jacket, but wears a sweater vest instead (with somekind of logo "b" for boxing maybe? (considering that he is a boxer lover) on his left chest), because it's more practical (when he has to fight someone / something anytime and anywhere), but neatly dressed. The red color is being used for his sweater vest, it's to describe him as a passionate person, a calm but passionate person (on boxing, of course). His facial expression shows that he is a very serious person (in some event), calm but easily get angry over something when triggered (about justice and the persons he really cares about), ...

Fight Pose

Character Design for Persona 4 The Ultimate in Mayonaka Arena

          And now for the Persona 4's version, he has been 20 years old already and he looks like an old man (with his white hair and beard lol). His new looks shows some scars on his chest and arms, a new band-aid on his right cheek and his left leg, a new haircut, shirtless, a very well-build body, a red cape, shabby brown pants, red shoes, a gun-case on his left armpit, a knife on his right waist, and a little bag on his right waist. Many says that they really hate this version of Akihiko...

Yap, that's what they said and I do agree with them, but! I also realized that it's needed to make them fit to their new story. While in Persona 3 the story is so dark and gloomy, in Persona 4 the story is more cheerful and thrilling.

--- haven't finished yet ---

Senin, 04 April 2016

[Creative's Writing Structure : Persuasive] Persona 3

          Persona 3 is the fourth game in the Persona series. The game was developed by ATLUS for Playstation 2 console (There's some kind of sequel of this game, like Persona 3 FES for PS2 and Persona 3 Portable and as you can see, the game can be played on PSP). Both are recomended for the full Persona 3 experience. And there's also the movie of the game, Persona 3 The Movie, and it's devided by its seasons (Spring of birth, Midsummer's Knight, Falling Down, and Winter of Rebirth). Each tell the story by its seasons.

Persona 3 Pause Menu

Status Menu

Social Link Menu

          The game both combines traditional role-playing games and simulation games. As you play through the game, you can increase your Charm, Academics, and Courages, which is each can help you to continue your journey on the game, such as socializing with the social links (it can helps you to increase your Persona's skill, level & beat Nyx down). So that's why we have to balancing both your daily life and Beating up the shadows.

        Here's the player takes the role of a male hig-school student who joins the Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad (SEES), agroup of students investigating the Dark Hour, a time period betwen one day and the next that few people are aware of. During the Dark Hour, the player enters Tartarus, a large tower containing Shadows, creatures that feed on the minds of humans. To fight the Shadows, each member of SEES is able to summon a Persona, a manifestation of a person's inner self. The game's most iconic feature is the method by which the members of SEES release their Personas: by firing a gun-like object called an Evoker at their head.

          There are 2 endings for the game: The first one if you kill Ryoji by the end of winter, then you will be saved from the world's end (but you and your team mates have to forget about your friends and all you have done in your entire life); and if you don't kill him by the end of winter, you will have to face him when the time is arrived. Let me tell you this, the true ending is you have to kill him because you will be told the whole truth, but there's a price for beating him down, you will dead in Spring because of fatigue. Lol.

Rabu, 16 Maret 2016

[Creative Writing's Structure : Positional] OLDCODEX

I really loves these guys, especially Tatsu! At first, I knew the band from an anime called The basketball which Kuroko plays aka Kuroko no Basket. As you can guess, the genre is sport. And their song, Catalrythm, being the ending song of the anime. The first thing I thought after hearing their song is, "What the heck? The singer's voice is kinda menye (I don't know how to traslate it to English, kind of disgusting maybe?), 'cause you know, This people, Tatsu has never been singing a rock song before (Even he's singing some pop song, his voice is still sounded awful), and suddenly BOOM! He's singing this song. Some times later an anime called Free! (sport too) aired. And again, their song being the opening song of the anime. I heard the song once, twice, thrice, I still got annoyed (but I still loves Tatsu being a voice actor!). Until one day, my friend (she's take a liking to the song) and I, we heard the song together while finishing our tasks. And I started to loves all of their song until now. Yeah, maybe a javanese's old saying, witing tresno jalaran soko kulino ((if I'm not mistaken) love is born from our daily routines with someone / something) is true afterall.

Let me introduce the members!

OLDCODEX is a Japanese rock band from Tokyo, Japan, formed in 2009. They performed the opening themes for the anime series Free! and God Eater and the ending themes for Kuroko's Basketball and Togainu no Chi. They performed at Nippon Budokan on February 11, 2015 [Wikipedia].

Years active : 2009 - present
Labels         : GloryHeaven (2009 - 2012)
                   Lantis (2012 - present)

Left : YORKE | Right : Tatsuhisa Suzuki

Mainly there's only 2 persons in the band, Tatsuhisa Suzuki and YORKE, the other members (like drumer, guitarist and basist) are just for formality, they may get changed everytime.

YORKE is the one who wrotes all of the lyrics, adding some (kind of) rap part and do the painting when they're performing on stage, PV's & the cover album design. While Tatsu do the singing part.

Here's my best 3 (right now)!

 Aching Horns CD + DVD single's covers. 
There's 2 kind of singles contains different bonuses (3, with the anime ver.)

Aching Horns PV

Mono Frontier PV  
(The only one I likes from one of his "menye voice compilation")

Lantana PV

And here's their latest tour, "Capture" in Budoukan
(Actually the latest one is Veni Vidi, but there's no video yet. This one is being held on Taipei)

Capture in Budoukan

The other video has been deleted from the account :(

Here's the one I found from Contrast Silver Tour in 2013

Now I'll tell you why I love them so much!
The reason why I kept listening to all of their songs is because the melody is kind of going up and down. Sometimes, they're singing the song with a very slow tempo on the intro and very fast on the reff, vice versa. It feels like they makes you feel pain and anger at the same time, up and down; before, now and then. But at the end you can feel some reliefs. Second, mainly they're using monochrome palette (Black & White) for the PVs (except for Lantana, Feed A, Walk, Seek your turn and Eyes in chase (if I'm not mistaken, again)) and dark or abandoned place to get the feels better. For the other 5 song, they used some color to created some different atmosphere (like, Walk makes us feel grateful / Cheerful / enjoy our lives, Lantana makes us feel very melancholist (baper), Feed A feels like a craziness / madness about something / someone (mostly used color : Yellow), and Eyes in chase & Seek your turn (mostly used color : Blue) maybe makes us feel so blue (?), lol (I don't know how I feels about the song though, there's too much screams everywhere).

Flash news: Tatsu is one of the most famous seiyuu (voice actor / dubber) in Japan. His voice is commonly used in some big & popular anime such as:

There're 3 category: 
#1 A strong look / cool guy (almost looks like a deliquent guy)

                                            Deliquent                                                  Cool
                                        Mukami Yuuma                                     Senoo Tasuku
                             Diabolik Lovers More Blood                Prince of Stride : Alternative      
 Kurosaki Ranmaru
Uta no Prince Sama

                                           Rockstar                                                  Deliquent
                                    Takasugi Shinsaku                                     Yoshida Haru
                                     Bakumatsu Rock                              Tonari no Kaibutsu - kun

He's voice looks awesome - type.

#2 A weak look / nice guy

Not nice but looks weak
Dance with Devils

          Nobleman, looks both nice & weak                      The nicest guy ever
                       Chamber Aleister                                   Tachibana Makoto
                           Kuroshitsuji                                  Free! Iwatobi Swim Club

He's voice looks awful - type.
#3 In between

Both Strong and Nice
 Kazunari Takao
Kuroko no Basuke

His normal voice - type.

. . .
Trivia : "Tatsu" comes from Ta_2 which is also his given name (Tatsuhisa). 

Ps. Just try to listened to their song, you'll not be disappointed! I always feel better after listening to their songs :> 

Not very important : Some says that Tatsu pretty much looks like Baim Wong (Indonesian, actor) and some of my friends says that he's & my CGI lecturer are look a like, it breaks my heart :(

 Left : Tatsu | Right : Baim Wong
They aren't look a like isn't it? :(

~That's all. Thank you for reading~ 

Senin, 14 Maret 2016

My Story PLOT

Sebuah distrik bernama eftychĂ­a sedang dilanda kekacauan. Para penduduk tidak mengetahui apa yang sebenarnya terjadi dengan distrik tempat tinggal merekal, yang mereka ketahui hanyalah bahwa hal yang paling berharga dari mereka telah diambil dan masing - masing dari mereka diharuskan mengikuti sebuah quest yang tiba - tiba saja muncul ditengah kekacauan tersebut untuk menemukan hal yang mereka cari. Seorang gadis dengan rambut berwarna brown ash panjang nya yang diikat rapi, Sharon (18) yang tengah kehilangan kekasihnya, Zephyr (19), mencoba mengikuti quest tersebut dengan tekad kuat bersama dengan adik kembar kekasihnya, Timothy (18), untuk mencari tahu dimanakah keberadaan Zephyr sebenarnya dan mencari tahu apa yang sebenarnya terjadi dengan tempat tinggal yang mereka cintai

Selama diperjalanan mereka selalu berhasil mengalahkan setiap tim lain yang menghadang mereka. Kemudian suatu hari mereka selalu harus berhadapan dengan seorang lelaki jangkung bertopeng dengan rambut pirang dan kulit yang seputih salju. Lelaki ini sangat kuat hingga membuat Sharon dan tim kewalahan setiap menghadapinya.  Datang hari dimana akhirnya Sharon menemukan celah ketika ia berhadapan satu lawan satu dengan lelaki tersebut. Ia berusaha mengenainya, tetapi secara tidak sengaja malah mengenai topengnya, yang membuat topeng pria itu terpecah belah. Setelah pria tersebut mengangkat wajahnya, diketahui bahwa pria tersebut adalah kekasihnya sendiri, Zephyr. Sharon sangat terkejut mengetahui bahwa yang selama ini lelaki yang ia lawan adalah kekasihnya sendiri. Ia berusaha memanggil nama Zephyr, tetapi seakan suaranya tidak sampai kepada kekasihnya. Tentu saja. Karena Zephyr telah berada dibawah kekuatan mantra, ia tidak mungkin menyadari bahwa kekasihnya tengah memanggilnya. Namun Sharon tidak menyerah, ia terus berusaha meraih Zephyr. Ternyata usahanya tidak sia - sia. Sedikit demi sedikit Zephyr mulai tersadar. 

Ketika Zephyr mulai tersadar, tiba - tiba seorang wanita muncul dibaliknya. Dia adalah Rachel, penyihir hitam yang kuat dan berkuasa yang selama ini menyebabkan kekacauan di distrik tersebut. Disana ia berusaha mengambil alih kembali atas Zephyr. Sehingga Sharon harus kembali berhadapan dengan kekasihnya. Sharon yang telah mengetahui fakta bahwa ia tengah melawan Zephyr, membuatnya tidak sanggup untuk melawan Zephyr dengan serius hingga menyebabkannya berhasil di pojokkan oleh Zephyr. Saat Zephyr akan menghunuskan pedangnya ke Sharon tiba - tiba ia terhenti. Rachel yang sangat murka berusaha untuk memaksa Zephyr segera melakukannya karena ia akan merasa sangat senang jika kekasihnya sendiri yang membunuh Sharon. Namun yang dilakukan Zephyr malah sebaliknya, ia menghunuskan pedangnya ke dirinya sendiri. Ternyata kesadaran Zephyr telah kembali sepenuhnya. Sharon dan Rachel terkejut. Seketika Sharon menopang tubuh Zephyr yang terbaring lemah berlumuran dengan dara, Tim dan Rachel segera berlari ke arahnya. Segera Sharon dan Tim tak kuasa menahan air mata mereka. Rachel mengucapkan berbagai macam mantra penyembuh namun tidak ada satupun yang berhasil menyembuhkan luka yang diderita Zephyr, hingga ia teringat sebuah mantra yang sebenarnya sangat tidak ingin ia gunakan karena mantra ini sangat membutuhkan bantuan Sharon, rivalnya. Tetapi karena Rachel juga tidak ingin bahwa Zephyr mati akhirnya ia memutuskan untuk mau tidak mau harus melakukannya. Segera ia meminta bantuan Sharon untuk membuat lingkaran sihir dan meletakkan tubuh Zephyr ditengahnya. Lalu meneteskan darahnya sendiri ke dahi Zephyr. Sambil mengucapkan sebuah mantra, cahaya yang sangat menyilaukan keluar dari lingkaran sihir tersebut. Mereka bertiga menutup rapat kedua mata mereka hingga tiba - tiba sesosok bayangan muncul dari cahaya tersebut. Zephyr keluar dari lingkaran tersebut dan Sharon langsung berlari memeluknya.  

Judulnya komiknya sangat alay sehingga saya memutuskan untuk tidak menuliskan atau memberi tahu siapapun... Maklum, cerita ini dibuat ketika saya masih SMP, jadi terlihat sangat alay, labil dan klise. Tapi saya sangat mencintai karakter - karakter yang ada di cerita saya yang satu ini (karena juga komik ini adalah satu - satunya komik yang saya bikin dengan sangat niat, terbukti sudah berapa buku yang saya habiskan untuk membuatnya dari akhir SMP kelas 3 hingga awal kelas 3 SMA, tetapi saya tidak akan pernah memasukkan contoh komik saya ini) dibanding dengan cerita komik lain yang pernah saya buat sebelumnya. 

- Sekian dan terima kasih telah menghabiskan waktu untuk membaca cerita saya yang mengerikan! -

Senin, 07 Maret 2016

[Old] Character Archetype (using my OCs)

All of this characters below are my old OCs from one of my old comic. The story is kind of drama sci-fi with a little bit action seasoning. I loved making some comics since elementary school, but now I have stopped making one because that's the only productive times to makes my wildest ideas (almost doesn't makes any sense), lol.

Relationships Chart

1. Protagonist  

In those forms the definition may simply be the leading actor, or the principle character in the story. But in addition the word takes on more formalized definitions. For example, the protagonist, while still defined as a leading character, may be also defined as the character whose fate is most closely followed by the reader or audience, and who is opposed by a character known as the "antagonist". The antagonist will provide obstacles and complications for the protagonist; the antagonist will create conflict, which will test the protagonist — thus revealing the strengths and weaknesses of their character.
The protagonist should be at the center of the story, should be making the difficult choices and key decisions, should be experiencing the consequences of those decisions. The protagonist should be propelling the story forward. There are variations in the use of the protagonist. For example, if a story contains a subplot, or is a narrative that is actually made up of several stories, then there may be a character who is interpreted as the protagonist of each subplot or individual story. [Wikipedia]

    Name          : Sharon Cole
      Somebody that is amazingly beautiful, funny, kind, and outstanding.
      Age             : 18 years old
      Blood Type  : O
      Birth day     : March 14th
      Height         : 162 cm 
      Weight        : 50 kg
      Hobby        : Eating, training, learning something new
      Likes          : Almost everything (especially the beautiful one)
      Dislikes       : Being separated from her family
      Job             : Gunner
      Weapon      : Glock 17

A cloning who sent to her future son without knowing her true self nor the true memories (that she's Zephyr's wife or Tim is her future son), the only memories she remembered is that she had a little brother and doesn't knows his whereabouts. In the past her parents doesn't approved her weddings with Zephyr, until Tim're born, her parents separated them.
2. Deutragonist

Dutragonist is the second most important character, after the protagonist and before the tritagonist. The deuteragonist may switch from being with or against the protagonist depending on the deuteragonist's own conflict/plot. [Wikipedia]

      Name          : Zephyr Zelch
      A light breeze, the west wind
      Age             : 19 years old
      Blood Type  : A
      Birth day     : Desember 27th
      Height         : 175 cm
      Weight        : 60 kg
      Hobby        : Studying
      Likes          : Smiling & Cheerful Sharon, the three of them being together
      Dislikes       : Sad looking Sharon
      Job             : Blade Master
      Weapon      : One-handed sword

A cloning who sent to his future son without knowing his true self nor the true memories (that he's Sharon's husband or Tim is his future son), the only memories he remembered is that Timothy is his little brother and their

3. Tritagonist

Tritagonist is the third most important character of a narrative, after the protagonist and deuteragonist. In Ancient Greek drama, the tritagonist was the third member of the acting troupe.
As a character, a tritagonist may act as the instigator or cause of the sufferings of the protagonist. Despite being the least sympathetic character of the drama, he or she occasions the situations by which pity and sympathy for the protagonist are excited. [Wikipedia]

    Name          : Timothy (Tim) Zelch
      Somebody that is amazingly beautiful, funny, kind, and outstanding.
      Age             : 18 years old
      Blood Type : AB
      Birth day     : December 27th
      Height         : 173 cm
      Weight        : 63 kg
      Hobby        : Keep on training
      Likes          : His brother & Sharon to be together, stay in their side, being useful to them
      Dislikes       : His own self for being in love with his brother's lover (kind of cheating on him), sad looks 
                           on Sharon face
      Job             : Knuckle Master
      Weapon      : Knuckle Knife

He's Sharon's and Zephyr's son. He's the only one who knows half of the truth (that their mother left them). Really loves Sharon so much (maybe kinda like love to his mother, but he didn't relize it).

4. Antagonist 

An antagonist is a group of characters, institution, or concept that stands in or represents opposition against which the protagonist(s) must contend. In other words, an antagonist is a person or a group of people who opposes a protagonist. [Wikipedia]

    Name          : Rachel
      A smart, sassy and sexy young woman who knows things from fashion to film to literature
      Age             : 19 years old
      Blood Type : B
      Birth day     : May 18th
      Hobby        : Messing up with their lives
      Likes          : Zephyr to be hers alone
      Dislikes       : Sharon stay beside Zephyr
      Job             : Warlock
      Weapon      : Black Magic

She's the mastermind behind all of the incidents that befall Tim's family. She ruin them because she has been in love with Zephyr since highschool but got rejected, but she can't gave up on him. 

Note to myself: I can't draw male anatomy perfectly, I know it. My drawing kinda looks asymetry, right. Fighting pose is kind of HARD, yes.

Ps. I choose their name randomly back then (not exactly though), so I don't know that their name is actually match their characteristics so much (except for Zephyr & Tim Family name, to be honest I looking for Deutsch family name back then, so don't get the wrong idea or even try to translating to English!)

Senin, 29 Februari 2016

[Screenwriting] I am Legend (2007) Adegan dikepung zombie

Robert Neville yang kebal dan salah satu dari manusia yang selamat dari virus yang bersumber dari obat penyembuh kanker. Dalam kesendiriannya yang hanya ditemani seekor anjing betina yang bernama Samantha, ia berusaha untuk membuat obat bagi manusia yang mengubah menjadi zombi yang sensitif terhadap sinar matahari.

INT - House Lab. - Evening

Robert berjalan menuju ruang kaca, memeriksa zombie yang menjadi eksperimennya, terkejut bahwa hasil eksperimennya membuahkan hasil positif.

... Zombie terbaring, nafasnya kembali normal, layaknya manusia.


Obatnya bekerja


Neville memutari zombie, merasa tidak yakin apakah hal itu benar terjadi.

.....Obatnya bekerja

Sekumpulan zombie berhasil menerobos masuk ke dalam lab tersebut, Robert terkejut, dan segera berlari ke dalam ruang kaca dan mengunci pintunya. Anna berlari mundur. Anna memeluk Ethan, terkejut. Zombie berusaha mendobrak pintu kaca.

Tidak. Hentikan. Hentikan!
Dengar, dengar. Aku bisa menyelamatkan kalian
Aku bisa menyembuhkan kalian, kalian sakit dan aku bisa menyembuhkan
Aku bisa... Aku bisa memperbaiki ini!
Aku bisa menyelamatkan semuanya!

Zombie terkuat masuk ke dalam ruangan.

Aku bisa memperbaiki semuanya!

Obatnya bekerja. Obatnya bekerja!

Zombie terkuat berjalan menuju ruang kaca sambil melempar zombie - zombie lain.

Hentikan! Hentikan!

Neville mengacungkan senjata kearah zombie terkuat dan tersentak setelah zombie tersebut berusaha mendobrak pintu kaca. Zombie tersebut berusaha mendobrak lagi.

Biarkan aku menyembuhkanmu!

Neville terkejut setelah zombie terkuat berusaha mendobrak masuk lagi, dan tetap mengacungkan senjatanya.

Tidak. Tidak

Menyerah karena para zombie tidak mendengarkan Robert, iapun terduduk.

Tidak. Tidak!

Robert menatap pintu kaca yang sudah retak karena didobrak oleh zombie terkuat, lalu menyadari bahwa retakan tersebut membentuk pola kupu - kupu, lalu teringat kata - kata anaknya.

Ayah, lihat kupu - kupu!

Neville kemudian melihat tato kupu - kupu yang ada di leher Anna. Berpikir sejenak, lalu mengambil sampel darah zombie yang jadi eksperimennya. Anna melihat tindakan Robert.

Apa yang kau lakukan?

Obatnya ada didalam darahnya

Zombie terus mendobrak.

Tempat batu bara. Disini aman. Ethan masuk!

Mengantar masuk Anna dan Ethan ke dalam perapian.


Ayo masuk

Kurasa inilah alasanmu kesini

Robert memberikan sampel darah tersebut kepada Anna dan mereka saling menatap satu sama lain.

Apa yang kau lakukan?

Aku mendengar

Neville, masih ada tempat. Masuklah

Mereka tidak akan berhenti
Tetap didalam sampai subuh

Robert melihat sekumpulan zombie dibalik kaca lalu mulai berjalan kearah meja tempat ia menyimpan foto istri dan anaknya, tersenyum, lalu mengambil granat yang juga ada didalam laci mejanya. Pintu kaca ruang tersebut mulai pecah. Neville melepaskan gagang granat. Zombie terkuat dan Neville berlari kearah satu sama lain dan ketika badan Neville mulai menyentuh badan zombie tersebut, granat mulai meledak.


     Saya memilih film ini karena sangat menyedihkan (bagi saya) dan semua film yang diperankan oleh Will Smith selalu menyentuh. Dan film ini juga menjadi awal saya mulai menyukai semua film yg berbau zombie. Walaupun saya nggak paham, kan kalo di logika, kaca kalo retak kan patternya biasanya melingkar, ini malah membentuk kupu-kupu (ya walaupun aku tau sih biar bisa nyambung ceritanya... tapi kan ya gimana gitu...). Terus luka yang ada di bahu si Robert suka pindah - pindah, awalnya dikiri terus dikanan, kayak kutu lompat aja... Sama bajunya suka gonta - ganti... dalam 1 adegan bisa panjang, pendek terus panjang lagi. Lol.

Ps. Sekedar tambahan, kenapa saya tulis namanya Dr. Robert Neville? Karena Anna nggak jelas, kadang manggil si mc Robert, kadang Neville... Daripada bingung kan ya...